Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What to do, what to do

Things have not gone according to plan. Actually I think I am earning a "D", which means that I am not entirely failing. I've been doing the shakes on and off, along with the snack but I am yet to have a yummy salad. I've not exercised at all because I still haven't settled the gym thing. I know I can do other things than just the gym, but I'm fooling myself into thinking "it's gym or nothing else." I know it's a bad way of thinking but I think this way a lot of the time.

I'm trying to clear up the gym thing, I really want to go back. I even went gym shopping. Due to where I live I only have two options; Bally's or LA Fitness. I've been a member of Bally's before and didn't really care about their facilities. They are dirty and have a lot of equipment out of order. I do like the variety of classes they offer and the personal trainers. At LA Fitness, I like the facilities but dislike the classes and personal trainers*.

I really need to think what I want to do. I want the personal trainer from Bally's but if I sign up as a cash account I have to do a 3 year contract. Really don't want a contract with a gym, had bad experiences and just give me the hibby gybbies. Please take a lesson from me, and don't let your credit score go down the drain, it really limits your possibilities.

Oh my what to do, what to do.

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